It is an essential national development strategy to exploit, utilize and protect the seas and oceans, and build China into a maritime power. 开发、利用和保护海洋,建设海洋强国,是国家重要发展战略。
We should enhance our capacity for exploiting marine resources, develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, resolutely safeguard China's maritime rights and interests, and build China into a maritime power. 提高海洋资源开发能力,发展海洋经济,保护海洋生态环境,坚决维护国家海洋权益,建设海洋强国。
We will steadfastly promote land and marine development in a coordinated way, fully implement China's marine strategy, develop the marine economy, protect the marine environment, resolutely uphold China's maritime rights and interests, and build China into a maritime power. 要坚持陆海统筹,全面实施海洋战略,发展海洋经济,保护海洋环境,坚决维护国家海洋权益,大力建设海洋强国。
Thanks to its relatively isolated coastal location, Venice was an important maritime trading power from the 12th to the 18th centuries. 感谢它那相对说来是孤立的沿海位置,从12至18世纪它一直是海上贸易的强大权势。
China in particular is the new "indicators" to put forward, to do a major maritime power! 特别是中国新的“指标”提出来后,做一个海洋大国!
That, coupled with his impatience for troop withdrawals in Afghanistan, implies a rejection of nation-building in the Middle East, so as in effect to focus on something more crucial: maintaining US Maritime Power in Asia. 加之他急于从阿富汗撤军的态度,表明他已摒弃了在中东进行国家重建的想法,实际上是为了关注一些更重要的事情:保存美国在亚洲的海军实力。
That country was a great maritime power. 那个国家曾是海上强国。
In relations between maritime power development and china's peaceful rise, Chinese maritime power development is not structural factor of leading to conflicts and baffling China peaceful rise. 在海权发展与中国和平发展的关系上,中国海权的发展并不构成导致冲突并阻碍中国和平发展的结构性因素。
The reason, of course, will be China, which has become a pushy maritime power. 中国当然将是其原因之所在,该国已经成为了一个咄咄逼人的海上强国。
Venice prospered because it used its maritime power to enforce freedom of navigation. 威尼斯得以繁荣,是因为它利用海上势力来推行海上航行的自由。
The activities of maritime vessels that can be environmentally harmful include ship waste disposal, bilge pumping, tank cleaning, ballasting, power generation, and fueling. 海运船舶的活动也会对于环境造成有害的污染,包括船上废水处理、船底排水泵、油罐清洗、压舱、发电机和燃料等。
In short, Japan is getting real-life experience of what maritime Asia would be like without unipolar America power. 简言之,日本正切身体验到,没有单极美国强权的情况下,亚洲沿海地区将会怎样。
Maritime Strategy and the Balance of Power, John B. 海洋战略与权力平衡,海军学术月刊出版中。
Projects of maritime tidal power stations, wave power stations, stations based on temperature difference, and other marine energy exploitation and utilization projects; 海上潮汐电站、波浪电站、温差电站等海洋能源开发利用工程;
Amalfi and Venice were important maritime power. 阿玛尔菲和威尼斯一度为重要的海事强国。
Only base upon for protecting the public interests, the Maritime Administrative Authority orders the responsible person to remove the wreck by using administrative power. 海事行政主管机关基于对社会公共利益的保护,行使行政权责令责任人打捞清除沉船沉物。
This paper states the changes of maritime influences of foreign countries in China during the Anti-Japanese War, and mainly analyses how the Japanese dominated the maritime business in China at first and lost that power in the end. 论述了抗战时期各国在华海运势力的消长变化,着重分析了日本在华海运业垄断地位的形成与最后崩溃的情况。
The author points out: China should take into account, from a geopolitical point of view, the possibility of maritime rights development by concentrating power relatively because of the improvement of security environment, while considering further its necessity in terms of coastal areas and territorial seas. 本文认为:从地缘政治的角度,中国一方面要考虑陆地安全环境改善为相对集中力量发展海权提供的战略可能性,同时更要从海疆安全面临的压力考虑海权发展的必要性;
The purposes of this paper are to study the chaos phenomena in the maritime power system and its ways and characteristics. 本文分析了船舶电力系统中的混沌现象,研究船舶电力系统中诱发混沌现象的途径以及混沌吸引子的特征。
Application of Alternative Maritime Power for Electrical Power System on Container Ships 非传统海事动力系统于货柜船的应用
Firstly, it summarizes the current capability of the maritime life salvage from studying the rescuing power. 首先通过研究救助力量的结构总结出我国当前的海上人命救助能力,然后通过了解海上人命救助的方法,判定影响海上人命救助作业安全的各因素。
For example: the use of the inverter in the aviation and maritime use, wind power, the use of uninterruptible power systems ( UPS), the use of solar photovoltaic and new energy in the electric car use. 例如:逆变器在航空航海中的使用、风力发电中的运用、不间断供电系统(UPS)中的使用、太阳能光伏发电中的使用以及新能源电力汽车中的运用等。
Our country is a maritime power, the development of mariculture plays an important role in agricultural production and economic development. 我国是一个海洋大国,海产养殖业的发展在我国农业生产乃至经济发展中均占有重要的地位。
The construction of maritime strategic frontier is an important measure for the countries, especially those with vast oceans, to maintain and extend national interests, to upgrade comprehensive national power and to realize sustainable development in the future. 海洋战略边疆建设是当今世界各国特别是海洋大国维护和拓展国家利益、提升综合国力、实现未来可持续发展的重要举措。
The conception of sea power mainly refers to naval force and maritime rights and interests, of which the ideology of sea power is the inner core. 海权主要指海洋权益和海上力量,它以海权意识作为内在驱动力。
At present, with the advance of its renovation and opening policy and its economic achievement, Vietnam has further made its overall maritime strategies and put them in practice, and its dream of becoming "a great maritime power" is steadily coming true. 目前,在革新开放和经济建设事业不断取得成效的基础上,越南进一步制订和实施了全面的海洋战略,使其海洋强国的梦想正在逐步变为现实。
China is a maritime power and the ocean will become more and more important in national economic development. 我国是一个海洋大国,海洋在国民经济发展中的地位将越来越重要。